What is the Turner Prize?
The Turner Prize is a contemporary art award that was set up in 1984 to celebrate new developments in contemporary art.
The prize is awarded to an artist under fifty, born, living or working in Britain, for an outstanding exhibition or other presentation in the twelve months before 6 May 2008.
Nominations are invited each year, and the prize is judged by an independent jury that changes annually. Four artists are shortlisted and they present works in a show normally held at Tate Britain before the winner is announced in December. The artists are not judged on their show at Tate – the decision is based on the work they were nominated for.
http://www.tate.org.uk/britain/turnerprize/turnerprize2008/prize/whatis.shtmartistii aflati in competitie sunt: Runa Islam, Mark Leckey, Goshka Macuga si Cathy Wilkes.
proportia femei in concurs este de remarcat. deci cum era cu discriminarea?
moving on.
imi plac mult lucrarile lui Mark Leckey. iar The March of the Big White Barbarians (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=3673711) este o ipostaza geniala a cum ar trebui sa observi spatiul public apropriindu-l de tine si instrainandu-l in acelasi timp. artistul e the bohemian outsider cum bine il caracterizeaza Dale McFarland.
Sunt foarte curioasa cine o sa castige si ma enerveaza la culme asta. sunt inca sceptica la ideea de concurs pentru arta - suna a some kind of weird beauty pageant, dar nu pot sa nu recunosc ca citesc cu entuziasm toate - tate bulletin - dupa atata timp, inca mi se pare fascinant cum toate noutatile pot ateriza direct la mine in inbox.
imagini- lucrari: Mark Leckey
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